Moog DFAM Synthesizer

Moog DFAM Synthesizer

Semi-modular Analog Percussion Synthesizer, with 2 Oscillators, Noise Generator, LP/HP Filter, 8-step Sequencer, and 24 CV Patch Points

* price is set by the local distributor
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Moog’s Drummer From Another Mother

Add interactive analog drums with Moog vibe to your synth rig, with the Moog DFAM semi-modular percussion synthesizer. The Drummer From Another Mother can generate fat analog rhythms without patching a single cable — and its modular patchbay yields endless creative possibilities. Dual oscillators plus noise offer a huge range of sounds and timbres to explore, while LP/HP filters allow for extreme sound shaping. Complete with a dynamic eight-step sequencer, the Moog DFAM is a versatile percussion synth with undeniable vibe…

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