Arturia MicroFreak Synthesizer
25-key Paraphonic Hybrid Hardware Synth with Poly-aftertouch Flat Keyboard, Wavetable and Digital Oscillators, Analog Filters, Modulation Matrix, Arpeggiator, and Sequencer
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A Dramatically Different Synth from Arturia
Arturia’s MicroFreak synth is an affordable hybrid hardware synth with wavetable and digital oscillators, analog filters, a modulation matrix, an unconventional but highly expressive touch plate — and tons of sonic possibilities. MicroFreak’s powerful digital oscillator features a palette of unique modes such as Texturer, KarplusStrong, Harmonic OSC, and Superwave, enabling everyone from adventurous newbies to experienced synthesists to explore new sonic frontiers. Arturia also partnered with renowned Eurorack manufacturer Mutable Instruments to include their acclaimed Plaits wavetable oscillator with added paraphony. MicroFreak is an extremely versatile little beast that can sound sweet, deep, hypnotic, chaotic, or volcanic. Whatever sounds you can dream up, MicroFreak is up to the task. And MicroFreak lets you work fast, too, with advanced features like real-time sequence creation and randomization..